About Rotary Club of Gargis

Rotary club of Gargis is one the first all women club in RID 3170. Is was founded in the year 2007.

The club meets every Wednesday at 5:30 pm Hotel Pearl , Kolhapur.

The club has one Interact club 'Maitreye', one Rotract Club 'Samarpan', one RCC 'Kandalgaon' Club and one 'Snehadham' Probus Club.

From the beginning, Rotary club of Gargis has been serving through community service, diversifying into all avenues of Rotary Service.

The club holds a distinct place in the district having achieved several district awards every year.

Since its inception the Club has developed to guide Women Rotarians in achieving the ideal of Rotary service above self.

We believe in consistency and continuity in service and that serving with passion attains best results.

Our Proud Major Donors

Rtn. Shobha TawdeRtn. Asha JainRtn. Beena Janwadkar
Rtn. Renuka SapreRtn. Sujata LohiaRtn. Meghana Shelke
Rtn. Gauri Shirgaokar

Rtn. Deepika Kumbhojkar

President 2021-22

In the famous words of Woodrow Wilson,

"There is no higher religion than human service. To work for the common good is the greatest creed.”

Rotary Year 2021-22 lived by these words, with the theme SERVE TO CHANGE LIVES. While the theme not only promoted changing the lives of others through service, it also changed my life by allowing me to be of service.

When I look back at the past year, I am filled with joy and contentment. The year has been eventful, and the transition into the new world post-pandemic was an adventure. While we all continued to live with the fear of the virus, the past year opened doors to allow us to shift our perspectives on how we can be of service through Rotary. It allowed us to come together and provide aid and support to society and each other in every small and big way possible.

Women's Empowerment has been the key theme of our Rotary Club of Gargis, Kolhapur, and the same was proposed by DG. Rtn. Gourish Dhondji for Dist. 3170. Over the years, we have all come together under the leadership of our past Presidents, Secretaries, and Founder Members to engage in providing support to women from all backgrounds.

Several Milestone Projects were hosted by our club, keeping in mind our central theme. We hosted a Women's Entrepreneurship Development workshop, which was aimed at providing women who run small businesses with the right tools to expand their businesses in professional and systematic ways. By providing 25 adopted girls with sanitary napkins and vitamin supplement supplies for a year, along with hosting counselling sessions on menstrual health and hygiene, MHM Projects ASMITA and UDAAN laid a pathway for building menstrual health awareness among them. In this year's District Grant Project, we will also be providing bicycles to 25 girls, in an attempt to ease their mobility in reaching school.

While empowering women and girls was a key focus, we also equally catered to providing health care services along with preventive measures throughout this year. The club hosted a Mammography camp to provide ease of screening for breast cancer among women. In this camp, we also provided them with access to overall physical health and dental check-ups. We also organised an Eye Check-up camp, and Pro Bono Cataract Surgeries were hosted, along with the running of the worldwide Defeat Diabetes Campaign.

During the years of the pandemic, we saw a rise in the number of students learning remotely. While many could access such facilities, many were excluded from gaining rightful access. In an attempt to provide relief, the club has also funded and set up an E-Learning Center.

It was only because of the support of you, my fellow Gargis, and Rtn. Anagha, Rtn. Reshma, and my Board of Directors, that I was filled with the strength and humility to serve our society. I thank AG Rtn. Amit Mate for his constant words of encouragement and for guiding the Club throughout the year. I also take this as an opportunity to extend my gratitude to DG. Rtn. Gourish Dhondji and the District team for providing us with the resources and enthusiasm to be of service in this new world.

Last but not least, I would like to express my gratitude to my family and my office staff. Without their support, strength, and guidance, I would not have been able to sail through this year.

I thank everyone who has been a part of making Rotary Year 2021-22 a success. I wish all the very best for the incoming team.

Yours in Rotary,

Rtn. Deepika Kumbhojkar

President 2021-22

Rtn. Gauri Shirgaonkar

President 2020-21

Rotary year 20-21, would always be remembered in history, for the way it changed the course of the humanity, as a whole. I thank Gargis, for giving me this opportunity to serve the club, in such a year. The experience helped me grow as a human being multi fold.

True to the theme of this year, Rotary Opens Opportunities, we began this year with a lot of untapped opportunities to be explored.

“When you focus on the good…. The good gets better”

I look back at the year with a lot of satisfaction and humility. When we started the year, it was clear that we won’t be able to host our signature fundraising event, Yamini. However, with support of the timely fees received from all of you, we could do amazing plethora of projects.

Some of the milestones we achieved were: We hosted webinars for the school students and their parents on Mental Health, even during covid situations we felicitated 17 teachers with Nation Builder Award, this will give our Club the recognition of “Mega Star Club”. We even managed to charter a new Interact Club in Bhuyewadi, remote rural area. We conducted a Multi-District Public Image event, Sargam, which saw attendance from 150 + non-Rotarians along with DGs from 4 districts.

Our club hosted Rotary Leadership Institute, which was restarted in this year by DG Sangram Patil, for fellow Rotarians in the district. And finally, towards the end of the year we also hosted Swaranjali a Musical Fellowship event, that brought positivity into the lives of District 3170 members by spending a musical evening together. We also helped provide drinking water facility to the devotees of Nagoba Mandir, Nagala park, by helping them set up a drinking water facility.

A special gratitude to Gargis- Kavitha Nair, Gayatri Menon, and Mamta Zanwar, who went beyond and encouraged the participation of Annets at the beginning of the year and added an elegance to our Installing Ceremony while invoking the almighty.

The strength that helped me sail through the rough waters this year the constant motivation and able collaboration from Anjali Mohite and Madhulika Jagdale, they were the strength in my wings to fly, I am truly grateful to them.

We had an incredible support from the AG Dr. Suhas Kulkarni, who guided us from time to time to better ourselves. We are also grateful to DG Sangram Patil and First Lady Utkarsha Patil, who always encouraged us in whichever programs we planned, even lending us District Zoom account for big meetings and appreciating our work throughout.

I am glad that in these tough times, we were successful in maintaining and building on the image of Rotary Club of Gargis, Kolhapur as pioneers in Rotary.

Last but not the least, the credit of this year’s success goes to my Spouse Sohan Shirgaokar and mother-in-law Radhika Shirgaokar, who laid a solid foundation of support, for me to take the leap of faith and dream big in Rotary.

A big Thank you to all of you once again

Your’s in rotary,

Rtn. Gauri Shirgaokar

President 2020-21

Rtn. Meghna Shelke

President 2019-20

 Within the 63 women that comprise the Rotary Club of Gargis, the ideal of service above self is imbedded in our hearts, and with a great sense of pride we continue to seek out avenues to assist as many of the worthy organizations and community programs as we could.

The uniqueness of these celebrations is that it is spearheaded by our very own Past Presidents. Who can be better to organize the celebrations of our achievements than the very people who were part and parcel of these achievements?

We salute each and every one of our Past Presidents for their unique contributions that have brought the Club thus far.

We proudly opened the year with community service activities, vocational trainings, TEACH activities and projects, health and medical check up camp, .coupled with the numerous donations, participation in district events, such as district assembly, district seminars on TRF, menstrual hygiene, TEACH, Contribution to pulse polio fund , and introducing the Probus club Snehadham with 170 senior members a part of it, and many more on the move.

It was certainly a busy year, which is probably why it passed in the blink of an eye. To recount, we had numerous successful projects in which the highlights were our signature event YAMINI and SAMHITA the first ever International Conference for women in district 3170.

Both these events were successfully carried out with an untiring team work and support from the members.

The year has presented many challenges especially at the beginning with the devastation caused by Floods in Kolhapur and later the worldwide pandemic situation of Covid 19

In all the instances and situations the spirit of Rotary was alive and well as our members sought to come together in a common cause. With our new additions we are building for the future.

It takes a collective effort to make an association like ours viable, and I think it is only fair that I specially thank each one of them for their cooperation and support.

I am happy to announce that we have become successful in making our club a 100% PHF club which I had visioned during the beginning of the year.

We have also been successful in contributing the highest amount for the GLOBAL Grant

For covid 19 of supplying Fowler beds, and medical facilities to municipal hospitals along with the Rotary movement .

One major project and also the first one in our club which I would like to highlight is the bore well facility of drinking water and rain water harvesting which we could complete at village Madhyal. More than 5000 people have been provided with clean drinking water.

As the new incoming President prepares to assume the mantle, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all of the members of the Rotary Club of Gargis for helping to make this a most memorable and enjoyable year.

To our Rotaract Club Samarpan and Interact Club Maitreye, I extend a special thanks for your tireless efforts and participation in all our events.

Joining Rotary all those years ago has turned out to be one of the most rewarding activities I undertake in my personal life.

Rtn. Yogini Kulkarni

Secretary 2019-20

"Service above Self" is the basic Motto of Rotary. With a new theme every year to serve the mankind. Every year brings in new ideas, new members and new leaders. I had a chance to see the Rotary movement grow in Kolhapur. As a teenager I could witness this growth as my elder brother who was the charter member of Rotary Club of Kolhapur Midtown, hosted many meetings at our place. He was an active Rotarian who pulled in my husband Rtn. Yogesh Kulkarni in the Rotary group around 25 years back so the ball kept rolling. And when I was given an offer to be a charter member of this most vibrant club - Rotary Club of Gargis, there was no reason why I could deny. And now (2019-20) I have taken the charge as a Secretary along with Rtn. Meghana Shelke as a President and Rtn. Laxmi Shirgaonkar as a Treasurer. It was indeed a very hectic and satisfying year which began with the floods - Yamini our fund raiser exhibition - Samhita International Conference for women in Rotary, first of its kind in district 3170 hosted by our club, so on and so forth. And the year ends with Country wide lockdown but again giving us whooping opportunity to serve.

This year has definitely added different sight to my life. Giving is always the best part of life attaining fulfillment and satisfaction. Three Cheers to Rotary Club of Gargis.

Hip Hip Hurray!

Hip Hip Hurray!

Hip Hip Hurray!

Rtn. Laxmi Shirgaokar

Treasurer 2019-20

Inspite of coming from a family of staunch Rotarians I was as much inclined towards Rotary as an atheist is towards the concept of God. As in most cases for a non-believer, the superfluous rituals which are followed to please or seek God, which seem unnecessary or a source of distraction in the path of seeking the Higher Truth, to some maybe a means to cater to a larger section of the society as a whole to start the journey from the Basic level to attain the Higher goal.

I will not deny the fact that earlier I had my own ideas about social work and women entrepreneurship and this vague notion that Rotary doesn’t fit into any of these moulds.

My joining of Rotary was purely on the insistence of a good friend and the motive being to get to spend a good time with like-minded people. Through the initial years of attending fellowships, various fun events and celebrations with members of all ages, I couldn’t help but wonder how this is all going to help in achieving the bigger purpose ... But with each passing year and finally a full term of treasurership ( this again was accepted on a friend’s request) I unknowingly started on a journey of personal growth and development, be it discipline or human relations, and of course the realisation of Rotary and its values, it’s deep rooted social commitments globally as well as locally , the organisation and its principles. When I finally started connecting the dots, all these so-called socialising events started to make the bigger picture clearer. Service above Self, Truth, Goodwill and Friendship......Proud to be a Rotarian.

Rtn. Sujata Lohia

President 2018-19

Warm Rotary Greetings !

The Rotary club of Gargis is the first among 3 all Women's Rotary Clubs in Dist 3170 . Founded in 2007, it has carved a niche for itself in the district .

My journey in Rotary began in 2011. I am grateful to Rtn Renuka Sapre for introducing me to this wonderful world dedicated to 'Service above Self "

In 2016-17, I became Club Secretary & in 2018-19 , I took up the club leadership as President .

The year 2018-19 was a unique year for the district . DG Rtn CA RAVIKIRAN Kulkarni digitalised the district for the first time .

A district app was launched via which clubs marked attendance, communicated to other members & reported projects . There was a marking system & complete transparency among 127 clubs in the district .

DG Rtn CA Ravikiran Kulkarni urged all clubs to participate in GLOBAL GRANT PROJECTS & total 22 GLOBAL GRANT PROJECTS were sanctioned by RI

OUR club also got its first GLOBAL GRANT amount of USD 36000 to fund a Toilet block project at PRINCESS Padmaraje Girls High School to provide health & hygiene to 2500 girls

During 2018-19, our club hosted a District event after 5 years . We organised the TRF MEET for Zones1-4

During the year our club received MEGA STAR AWARDS from TEACH INDIA for training program of 140 ZP teachers & for NBA awards to 15 identified GOVT TEACHERS.

We had the Artificial Limbs donation programme wherein nearly 500 physically challenged were impacted. Among other projects , we had VOCATIONAL AWARDS, Honoring War Widows , Vocational training of RCC Women at KANDALGAON, World Interact Day at Blind School , Adoption of 34 Mentally challenged students of Swayam School

WE organised several interesting Fellowship meetings , we celebrated Onam Festival, Birthdays, Ganesh Festival

Yamini was organised in big way to empower women entrepreneurs & to raise funds for club projects

During 2018-19 , we had maximum attendance n 100% participation of members.

AG Rtn Abhijit Kale was a great support & mentor in all the work of the year

We were able to have 1 major donor & 26 PHF members with the aim of making the year 100% PHF in the consecutive year

To Polio we contributed 300 USD , to GLOBAL GRANT we contributed 15500 USD & to Annual Fund we contributed 5000 USD

MEMBERS contributed generously & enabled the Global Grant project

I am indeed grateful to Past Presidents for their faith in me to take up this leadership .

I appreciate their guidance , support & cooperation throughout the year .

I am also happy to have received the BEST PRESIDENT's award for 2018-19

Club received Gold Citation with Distinction

I thank all members, Yamini Heads, Past Presidents, BOD, AG & DG for helping to make it a grand & successful year.

We were able to take the club to greater heights & inspire incoming leaders to do same

Thank you ...

Rtn. Dr. Vishakha Apte

President 2017-18

 Being President of ‘Gargis’ club is a unique and special responsibility in itself. After a tough fight with Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton lost the Presidential Elections of The United states of America. To become a President of a Rotary club like, Gargis club you don’t have to fight any such tough elections. In fact, you don’t have any competition at all. But the job is no less tough than Hillary was hoping to do. As the name goes all members are the scholarly women of Kolhapur’s Elite society. They are women with stuff and style. They have their own fortresses to rule. Yet, they come to gather and run the show and yes no one can bit them when they dress up and freak out.

In order to lead and set paths, here is what I learnt from past presidents. As a president one needs to become visibly confident as a person and in the management position. Such a person inspires self-confidence in others and draws out the reliance and best efforts of the team to achieve the best results. A president who conveys confidence towards the proposed intention inspires the best attempt from team associates. An ideal president not only preserves high standards, but is proactive in raising the bar in order to attain brilliance in all areas as well.

I don’t whether I have been all that, but this club has its own strength and weakness and I see lot of opportunities for the club.

So keep smiling and move in the circles.

Rtn Veena Sinha

President 2016-17

Greetings to All....

The Rotary club of Gargis is not just a club of the Dist 3170,but an entity which has carved a place for itself in the Dist .

This was made possible by my Team (2016-2017) and all the Past and Present Stalwart members through their efforts and hard work

My journey from becoming a member of the Rotary club of Gargis in the year 2010-2011 to being installed as the President of the club in 2016-17, which also happened to be the 100th year of Rotary Foundation (Centinnial Year), has been that of learning and great satisfaction.

The motto for year 2016-17 was "Rotary Serving Humanity" and it gives me pride in stating that I was able to do justice to the motto.

It was a great honour for me to guide and lead all our Club Members for the entire year. I admire and appreciate the capabilities showcased by all members during various projects and events.

The Projects undertaken during the year 2016-17 included Happy School under TEACH & Wins, Mother & Child Health Awareness, Beti Bachoa Aandolan and not to forget our continuous project “Yamini for women Empowerment”. I feel elated in mentioning that during my Presidentship the Club was able to achieve the award for “Happy School “thereby becoming the Only club out of 12 Rotary clubs of kolhapur to get this Award and got the 3rd position over all . We also completed all the DG criteria for that year 2016-17

All the projects have given positive outcomes and I am confident that they have become stepping stones towards fulfilling vision of our leaders of Rotary International.

Since the guidelines for Rotary International is “Service Before Self”, even the smallest contribution from each member, balancing their business and domestic life is no less than a ‘Tapasya’ towards creating goodness in the world.

I feel proud to have had the opportunity to work with our beloved PDG Rtn Vinaykumar Pai Raikar, an “Arch Klump Society" member and our AG Rtn Shishir Shinde, whose moral support and guidance, enabled me to perform the duties of the President in an efficient manner in the Centennial Year of Rotary Foundation.

 I feel lucky & proud that I was a President when our District Governor become an Arch Klump Society Member and our Club got 7 awards

Lastly, all I can say is that God Almighty has been very kind to US.......

Thank you All


Rtn. Girija Kulkarni

President 2015-16

I joined Rotary Club of Gargis as a founder member, with previous history as a rotarian member of Rotary club of Karveer. I left the previous club in very first month due to not having ladies member. When I joined Gargis it is meant to be professional ladies club ,was a great advantage. And Of course it had shaped the way i had dreamt before joining.

I became secretory in a year 12-13 (or please correct it) when certainly i started knowing depth of the Rotary as world’s biggest NGO.

Then respect to rotary had started increasing as days passed and became president of the club in a year( 16- 17).

Rotary is a very transparent organisation, which gives you opportunity to develop you for better leadership qualities than earlier.

“Rotary Club of Gargis “is a Mirror image of all the statement i made about this great NGO. I am proud of being past president of this Club.

We Dr. Neeta as a president and my self as a secretory started a unique project of the club “Yamini”. Now Yamini is a brand of “Gargis” through which we truly recognised avenue of rotary like vocational service and through Yamini other avenues!!

In Presidentship we did lot of project in all avenues but touched my heart by providing toilet to Gandhinagar jilha parishad school to girls because of which admission of girls in next academic year increased!! Rotary gifted me lot of qualities like leadership patience etc... but out which i cherish friendship!!! It is incredible gift for life time to me.

Rtn. Renuka Sapre

President 2014-15

Rotary International stands tall because of its continuity and consistency which has given it the position of one of the most premier NGOs in the world and has been serving humanity for the past 106 years. I got to be a part of this institute in 2008 under the Rotary Club of Gargis Kolhapur RI Dist. 3170. This club is one of the few all-women clubs in the country. Climbing through the ranks, I became the secretary of the club for the year 2011-2012 and got the opportunity to lead this club for the year 2014-15 as the President.

Every new year in Rotary brings upon new challenges, new ideas, and lots of hope. "Light Up Rotary" was the aim of Rotary International for the year 2014-15. We kick started this year with full vigor by lighting up the community with knowledge by undertaking various literacy projects.

We launched various teaching programs for municipal schools in Kolhapur district, we adopted Prince Shivaji School, Bavda by helping the school with any funds needed for educational necessities for the students such as books, stationery, and the day to day costs, funded the Swayam School for special children and the members of our club regularly spending time with the children, we set up a library for students appearing for their MPSC/UPSC exams by providing with the learning materials needed.

Our club also undertook various infrastructure projects like providing villages with solar-powered street lights, constructing toilets blocks for ladies in villages, and providing sewing machines to women and also getting them orders for uniforms of various factory workers in the nearby industry areas.

We organized various events and competitions like cooking and crafting for women, especially housewives to encourage them to come out of the house and showing their true potential which also helped them in building up their self-confidence.

For the year 2014-15, the club members honoured the club with 11 Paul Harris Fellows and 1 Major Donor.

Finally, I would like to say that my Presidential year for the club was a memorable one, and the work done for the community gave me happiness and satisfaction.

Rtn. Sulaxmi Patil

President 2013-14

It was an absolute honour and privilege for me to serve as A President in the year 2013-14.

Our team was headed by Rtn Vishakha Apte as Secretary and Rtn Shubhangi Pawar as Treasurer.

We were fortunate to work under the leadership of Then D G Rtn Mohan Mulherkar and Then A G Rtn

Varana Vadgaonkar.

It was my pleasure to work with such motivated and dedicated members. To be honest my time as a

President would have been patchy without their support.

We relished my period by planning and implementing various projects which were beneficial to the

society at large.Having said that our focus was chiefly for uplifting the life of children with Special


A) I was indebted for being surrounded by generous members who assisted me for donating various

items/articles to the down-trodden people of the society.

We gracefully accepted the challenge of educating children by providing them Hearing Aid Machines

to the children who r Deaf by Birth. We identified those children with the assistance of Speech and

Hearing Center. KOlhapur.

B)We also donated File-making Master Machine to JIDNYASA school for Special Needs Children, as a

source of income to make a better living .

C)We successfully arranged health-Camp for parents of Indumati School Children. the Camp was

conducted by our own Doctor members. We also installed permanent basis huge water-purifier plant in the

said school.

D)With the co-operation of our enthusiastic team, we visited OLD AGE HOME of Kumbhoj Bahubali and

provided them water-purifier.

Lastly the year's biggest extravaganza i.e.YAMINI ,our fund raising event was in its initial stage

during my period.None of us back then had any idea it would carry the success as it is today. Every

member contributed its own ideas to accomplish what looked a Mission Impossible back then.

The vision behind the said event was to avail plotform for women to upbring their skill of

business ultimately resulting in Women Empowement.

we were so engrossed in this Mission, that Family time looked indistinct.During those period, I

still remember some heart-touching proud feeling incidents.To note ,our own Rtn Pallavi's husband came

to spot with a Brand new Motorbike with excitement to take her fr ride.We also thrilled by his visit

and spirit. But we al astonished by Pallavi's devotion to the work assigned to her.She gave preference

to our Mission.

Thus,so many memories to cherish. The year I was in charge felt absolutely reformative with tinge

of true and ever lasting friendship.

Rtn. Dr. Neeta Narake

President 2012-13

 Fellow Rotarians, partners and well wishers,

I must say how much I have enjoyed my year as President of the Rotary club of Gargis into the new millennium. I was assured of the support of several members and officiating members of our club, which I am certain is the reason for a successful year.

Rotary club of Gargis is renowned throughout the district 3170 of Rotary as a strong club with very good fellowship. This is my acknowledgement of your acceptance of me as your president for the year 2012-2013 and thank you for believing in me that I could lead the club in the ensuing year. How true was what Lord Byron, the most Romantic Poet said “And when we think we lead, we are most led. Leadership is a give and take process.”

Yes friends, I always looked forward to a year of peace through service with a co-ordinated support from all of you and advice and guidance from past office bearers and presidents of the club who have led it for years.

RI President Sakuji Tanaka has asked Rotarians to build 'Peace Through Service' in 2012-2013.

I quote him “In Rotary, our business is peace. Our reward is not financial, but the happiness and satisfaction of seeing a better, more peaceful world, one that we have achieved through our own efforts.”

It was my privilege to carry out prestigious projects of our club like Adolescent Sexual Health and HIV seminars for students, various health check up camps for women, conducting exhibition for budding women entrepreneurs, providing wheelchairs to the old people ans special children, program on women empowerment, etc. In addition, we have chalked our various service projects which will be executed during the year 2013-2014 with special emphasis on revival plans of certain projects undertaken by the club but could not be continued due to some unavoidable circumstances.

But even then, for future we have assessed certain need based requirements and propose to

· Provide TV set, Grinder and other needy items to orphanages of Kolhapur

· Provide basic amenities to Old Age Homes in Kolhapur

· Provide Toilet Blocks and playground at poorly aided schools.

· We also plan to conduct various Health Care Camps and projects as we do every year.

We hope and expect from you to pro-actively participate in “A few fund raising projects which are also on the Cards to strengthen our kitty, to support Community Service Projects.

During this year it was my pleasure, with all the members to attend all the obligatory and other invitational functions which are part of a president's year.

As a president I could not have functioned properly without a loyal secretary like Mrs.Girija Kulkarni, our trustworthy treasurer like Mrs. Yogini Kulkarni. My Special thanks to our Assistant Governor, Mrs. Shobha Tawde for her active and continual support in all our endeavors.

I would like to say that I feel all Rotarians should derive even more satisfaction

from Rotary if they make a point of discovering more about 'The Rotary Foundation'.

Finally, I proclaim that being a president of Rotary club of Gargis Kolhapur was a great experience. Whether I am in the position or not but my continual support and services will always be there with you all.

May the club reach to its zenith in the years to come.

Thank you all and God Bless

Rtn. Asha Jain

President 2011-12

I am congratulating to all Gargis Past President's who took the club at this higher level by adding every year new ideas, new concepts, new social projects.

I started Rotary Gargis specially for women in the year 2007-08 with 27 charter member. The idea behind this club was that women can do better service towards society, and we kept our vision to empower women for their health and wealth.

Keeping this in mind, we did several health camps. We organised special cancer checkup and awareness camps in kolhapur. Also we trained pregnant ladies on how to take care during pregnancy, having healthy food and monthly checkups. We took camps for adolescent girls in schools and trained them for their safety and how to face any critical situations.

Organised debate competitions in rural schools. Started Library for competitive exam books in villages and even to motivate them for these exams we organised motivational lectures.

Under matching grant projects we donated 10 Zuki sewing machines to Adhar Apang Sanstha who started stitching uniforms for industry workers and are now earning income from the same.

There are lots of things to share. For now I can only say that where there is a will, there is a way.

I always wish to serve for society and Rotary is a great platform for the same.

Thanks Rotary

Rtn. Shobha Tawde

President 2008-09

In 800 BCE (Vedic age), a debate on philosophy was held in the court of King Janaka. Although Rishi Yagnyavalkya emerged victorious, Brahmavadini “Gargi” Vachknavi challenged him till the end and was awarded half the prize (1000 cows with golden horns) along with being made one of the Nine Navratnas of Janaka’s court. She generously donated the prize to Rishi Yagnavalkya to spend on his Gurukul and she eventually contributed verses to the Rigveda and Chandokya Upanishad. Gargi symbolises the modern woman who strives for equal opportunity, shows generosity and social responsibility. When the Rotary CIub of Shiroli, MIDC approached us to start a club we agreed that the name GARGI fits the ideology of its members.

Rotary Club of Gargis was Chartered on 27th June 2007, it was the Centennial Year of Rotary International and we were lucky to be called the Golden Presidents and Secretaries. As the Charter President it was my responsibility to develop the club leadership plan for the first five years and ensure that Rotary Internationals Core Values get ingrained in our Philosophy and way of working, while we strove to create a unique identity as the First all women club in Dist 3170. I am thankful to GSR Rtn M.B.Sheikh, PDG Rtn Ravi Deshpande, PDG Basil D’Souza for their support and guidance in the initial years.

As a team our main focus was to work on women and children related issues ,to achieve this we conducted about 6 health checkup and awareness projects, 4 literacy projects and workshops, 2 Cleanliness campaigns, 2 workshops to educate bachat gat women on government schemes through which we reached out to around 1200 women and children. In the first 2 years while working on the foundation of our club we identified new recruits with similar ideology and added 20% new members to the club.

In this endeavour, my Charter secretary Rtn. Asha Jain, President Nominee Rtn. Bina Janwadkar, President Elect Rtn. Sadhana Ghatge and all members worked tirelessly as a team to shape the club. At the club level, I’m immensely proud of cultivating programs like “Yamini” - Women Entrepreneurship Platform, “Maitreya” - Interact club, “Samarpan” - Rotract club and “Sparshan”- Organ donation awareness drive. I also take pride in the fact that we’ve been able to reinforce Rotary International’s image in regards to Social reforms and Community work through events like RYLA, Literacy campaigns, “Samhita” - International Seminar for Women. I’m thankful to all District Governors for the numerous assignments and opportunities that have helped me grow both personally and professionally. I am also glad of the International Program of GSE team exchange hosting 2 members to the sponsoring member to the team in the initial years.

Although I feel a sense of fulfilment with what I’ve achieved with Gargis and as a member of Rotary International, I know the journey is still long and I look forward to contribute towards our cause with the same passion and enthusiasm.

Rtn. Shobha Tawde

President 2007-08

In 800 BCE (Vedic age), a debate on philosophy was held in the court of King Janaka. Although Rishi Yagnyavalkya emerged victorious, Brahmavadini “Gargi” Vachknavi challenged him till the end and was awarded half the prize (1000 cows with golden horns) along with being made one of the Nine Navratnas of Janaka’s court. She generously donated the prize to Rishi Yagnavalkya to spend on his Gurukul and she eventually contributed verses to the Rigveda and Chandokya Upanishad. Gargi symbolises the modern woman who strives for equal opportunity, shows generosity and social responsibility. When the Rotary CIub of Shiroli, MIDC approached us to start a club we agreed that the name GARGI fits the ideology of its members.

Rotary Club of Gargis was Chartered on 27th June 2007, it was the Centennial Year of Rotary International and we were lucky to be called the Golden Presidents and Secretaries. As the Charter President it was my responsibility to develop the club leadership plan for the first five years and ensure that Rotary Internationals Core Values get ingrained in our Philosophy and way of working, while we strove to create a unique identity as the First all women club in Dist 3170. I am thankful to GSR Rtn M.B.Sheikh, PDG Rtn Ravi Deshpande, PDG Basil D’Souza for their support and guidance in the initial years.

As a team our main focus was to work on women and children related issues ,to achieve this we conducted about 6 health checkup and awareness projects, 4 literacy projects and workshops, 2 Cleanliness campaigns, 2 workshops to educate bachat gat women on government schemes through which we reached out to around 1200 women and children. In the first 2 years while working on the foundation of our club we identified new recruits with similar ideology and added 20% new members to the club.

In this endeavour, my Charter secretary Rtn. Asha Jain, President Nominee Rtn. Bina Janwadkar, President Elect Rtn. Sadhana Ghatge and all members worked tirelessly as a team to shape the club. At the club level, I’m immensely proud of cultivating programs like “Yamini” - Women Entrepreneurship Platform, “Maitreya” - Interact club, “Samarpan” - Rotract club and “Sparshan”- Organ donation awareness drive. I also take pride in the fact that we’ve been able to reinforce Rotary International’s image in regards to Social reforms and Community work through events like RYLA, Literacy campaigns, “Samhita” - International Seminar for Women. I’m thankful to all District Governors for the numerous assignments and opportunities that have helped me grow both personally and professionally. I am also glad of the International Program of GSE team exchange hosting 2 members to the sponsoring member to the team in the initial years.

Although I feel a sense of fulfilment with what I’ve achieved with Gargis and as a member of Rotary International, I know the journey is still long and I look forward to contribute towards our cause with the same passion and enthusiasm.

a) Past Presidents b) Past Secretaries c) Constitution and By Laws d) Directors and Committee Chairs 1) Club Service, 2) Community Service, 3) Vocational Service, 4) International Service, 5) Youth Services, 6) Rotary Foundation, 7)Public Relation, 8) Pulse Polio, 9) Yamini, 10) Global Grant, 11) Health Projects, 12) Teach & Wins
2007-2008Rtn. Ravi DeshpandeRtn. Shobha TawdeRtn. Asha Jain
2008-2009Rtn. Bizil D'Souja Rtn. Shobha TawdeRtn. Asha Jain
2009-2010Rtn. Gurudatta BhaktaRtn. Sadhana GhatageRtn. Neeta Narke
2010-2011Rtn. Mahesh RaikarRtn. Heena JanwadkarRtn. Sulaxmi Patil
2011-2012Rtn. Avinash PotdarRtn. Asha JainRtn. Renuka Sapre
2012-2013Rtn. Johnson FernadezRtn. Neeta NarkeRtn. Girija Kulkarni
2013-2014Rtn. Mohan MulharkarRtn. Sulaxmi PatilRtn. Vishakha Apte
2014-2015Rtn. Ganesh BhatRtn. Renuka SapreRtn. Deepika Kumbhojkar
2015-2016Rtn. Shrinivas MaluRtn. Girija KulkarniRtn. Meghana Shelke
2016-2017Rtn. Vinaykumar RaikarRtn. Veena SurveRtn. Sujata Lohia
2017-2018Rtn. Anand KulkarniRtn. Vishaka ApteRtn. Gauri Shirgaokar
2018-2019Rtn. Ravikiran KulkarniRtn. Sujata LohiaRtn. Kavita Ghatge
2019-2020Rtn. Dr. Girish MasurkarRtn. Meghana ShelkeRtn. Yogini Kulkarni
2020-2021Rtn. Gaurish DhondRtn. Deepika KumbhojkarRtn. Anagha Pendharkar
2021-2022Rtn. Baban DeshpandeRtn. Kavita GhatgeRtn. Preeti Marda