Snehadham Probus Club

Snehadham, a place where senior citizens meet in the evening everyday between 4pm to 6pm. They have many activities, lectures etc. Snehadham is situated near railway gate shahupuri Kolhapur.

We had a discussion with the trustees of Snehadham and decided to form a Snehadham Probus club. When we discussed this idea with the members to our surprise all the members were ready to be the members of the probus club (around 100).

We had the installation of this probus club at the hands of DCC RCC Rtn. Rajendra Warnolkar on 31st January 2020 at Snehadham. Kalpana Chitnis was installed as president and Deepti Kesarkar as the secretary.

We intend to carry out a few activities and a few projects with our new Snehadham Probus club in the near future.